Dr Paula Fainstat is the founder and owner of The Fourth & Alma Naturopathic Medical Centre. She holds doctorates from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College and has been practicing for over 35 years.
She is certified in Advanced Injection Therapies including Prolotherapy, IV and Chelation, Ozone Therapy, Acupuncture and has prescribing rights.
Dr Paula places a significant emphasis on the role of the nervous system and the benefits of ReSetting and Re-patterning to help her patients move forward. In additional to standard medical evaluation, Dr Paula uses the advanced muscle testing technique ‘Autonomic Response Testing’ to help to identify and monitor her patient’s needs and priorities in treatment.
Dr Paula aims to enhance her patients’ health and function by addressing underlying issues that are contributing to their health concerns. Her goal is to connect the dots for a more individualized and efficient response to care. Her recommendations typically promote the body’s synergy incorporating metabolic, nervous system and structural factors.